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For Jim Cramer blockchain is a threat to banks

Former hedge manager claims crypto and blockchain technology will make credit institutions similar to dinosaurs going extinct

“Tether USD pair is backed”, according to FSS lawyers.

A few hours ago the famous stable coin pegged to the dollar and issued by Bitfinex, published a document signed by a famous American law firm that confirms the deposits

No more McAfee ICO tweets

The famous influencer announces: "No more publicity for ICOs. The SEC is entirely to blame". The fact remains that he recently had sponsored a case of plagiarism

Akon launches AKoin Token for Dakar

The artist and entrepreneur, known for songs like "Smack That" and "Lonely", decided to create the AKoin token to help his hometown, the capital of Senegal.

For Mougayar blockchain is just at the beginning

The guru of blockchain technology imagines an epochal change, superior to that introduced by the web. The future, he says, "is the decentralization of innovation itself".

Blockchain beer, an advertisement deal

The world's largest manufacturer AB InBev will evaluate the effectiveness of its communication through decentralized technologies

The future of smart contracts is called ERC721 tokens

The new tokens provide copyright protection for works of art or professional activities. They can also be used in other fields, such as real estate

Here’s Neufund, the “Nasdaq of cryptos”

For the first time, the capital of a dozen international startups will be transformed into equity tokens, by means of completely legal fundraising on the blockchain. Here are the names of the first six

In Rome bitcoin is accepted for a historical building

11 rooms, 15 bathrooms and three kitchens, in the heart of the Eternal City. The cost is $42 million, can be paid also with BTC

Daily crypto trading: Bears are still here, cryptos try the rise

The small rise experienced yesterday morning was rejected by the bear, and prices return to Saturday evening levels

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