
Ethereum - search results

China crypto ranking, Eos is in first place

The project for the ranking of digital currencies by a government body has been revised. EOS places itself in first place

Joyce Kim and a Congo startup for coffee beans

Stellar's co-founder points her finger at speculation in the crypto world, with negative reflections on the development of blockchain technology. Citing the case of a startup in Congo

Bitsong, earn while listening to music

Interview with Alfonso Santitoro, Managing Director of the music streaming platform Made in Italy. "Soon we will launch our ICO - he explains - we already have 200 thousand users registered".

The Hiltons and Propy Blockchain

Paris’ father will hold an auction for the sale of a Roman villa of the sixteenth century, which can be purchased in cryptocurrencies, and will take place on a platform based on blockchain

Cryptocurrency trade market: cryptos are suffering

Prices fell sharply throughout the market. Bitcoin clings with difficulty at 6,000 dollars, Ethereum holding a little better. Bitcoin Diamond and Bitcoin Gold forks are a disaster

Crypto market updates: Bears are pressuring the market

Bitcoin suffers technical resistances and gives up on attacking 6850. Centrality puts the turbo on

Augur prediction market is here

The new virtual market should make it possible to bet on almost everything anonymously. Including the risk of criminals double betting

Four cryptos added to the FED database

Bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and litecoin are added to the Federal Reserve database of St. Louis. An official entry into institutional finance

Beware of the scam fork of Tron Genesis

Violating the Reddit account of the Tronix moderator, a group of scammers asked unsuspecting users to create a new wallet and communicate the private keys

The litecoin futures debut at the City of London

The contracts denominated in dollars will be added to the platform of the English Stock Exchange on June 22nd. It will be possible to operate upwards or downwards.

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