
Bitcoin Cash - search results

The Chinese BTCC exchange reopens, no fees for three months

After escaping the government ban, the oldest exchange of the Dragon reappears in London with a new website. Vice-President Aaron Choi: "Soon a token"

The Satoshi book is a fake

Yet another (fake) book by the creator of bitcoin. With some original but different ideas. In short, a sneaky attempt to have more clicks on the site

Cryptocurrency Tax Issues. Guideline for Tax on Digital Funds

Cryptocurrencies are on the rise. The Bitcoin Dollar Forex is sky high and the blockchain technology has the potential to knock banks out of the game

Blockchain religion, fanaticism in the crypto world

As with any innovative movement, there may be aspects of fanaticism in the crypto world. It happens when you believe you are part of something unique and unrepeatable

Korean cryptocurrency companies escaping from South Korea

The difficulty of launching projects in Seoul drives many to go to Singapore. With a number of cost and regulatory disadvantages

Crypto capital market in red, despite the Facebook news

Negative signs for 95% of the first 100 cryptos. The social network's decision to remove the advertising ban is useless. Qtum is the only going up, Eos, Litecoin, Stellar and others collapse.

Alibaba blockchain: three-second transactions

Ant Financial, a subsidiary of the Chinese giant, has confirmed a fast blockchain transaction between its AliPayHK app and a Filipino app called Gcash

Bitmain is mining 50% of the crypto

The Chinese company, through its subsidiaries, is mining almost 50% of the crypto

The end of the Tokyo Whale

The Tokyo court approves the interruption of bankruptcy. This way, the market will no longer be manipulated by big crypto sales.

Satoshi Nakamoto true identity is Ronald Keala Kua Maria?

An unlikely Hawaiian publicly claims to be the true inventor of Bitcoin, but the information published on their websites suggest that it is only a trivial attempt to advertise himself.

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