
dapps - search results

Crypto market share: bitcoin rising above 48.5%

While Ethereum celebrates its birthday, the prices of the main cryptocurrencies go down, except for Verge. The total market cap is just under 300 billion

Charlie Lee advises HTC and their blockchain phone

Litecoin's creator will be the advisor of the project for the new smartphone called Exodus

Tron transactions: 80 times faster than Ethereum

Justin Sun points out 7 reasons for which he believes his creation is better than Vitalik's blockchain. More exchanges begin to support TRX's new mainnet

XLM crypto is “approved” by the Sharia law

The XLM crypto receives the certification of coherence according to the Islamic law.

EOS Network Monitor: over 2,000 transactions per second

According to Eos Network Monitor, the crypto has recently reached an all time high of TPS, higher than the theoretical maximum obtainable by Ripple

Discovering Cardano platform

A brief guide to the project that proposes itself as a third generation blockchain after those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. With some notes on the crypto

The ultimate zilliqa guide

Guide to the new revolutionary blockchain, and to its coin, ZIL

Bancor hacked, and its funds frozen

The decentralized exchange remains frozen to avoid possible damage, but protests rise on social media

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

Bitcoin Cash announces Matter App

Low fees and the lack of a central content control entity should be strong points

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