
exchange - search results

According to Paul Krugman Bitcoin “has more future than gold”

The precious metal has no chance against cryptocurrencies. This has been said by who called the whole thing a dangerous bubble

Pigzbe wants you to prove your love

Blockchain first piggy-bank, Pigzbe, wants cryptonomist readers to prove their love and win Pigzbe hoodies

Trading analysis: cryptocurrency volume remains high

After the 15th of August, the green sign returns for most of the cryptocurrencies. Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash doing well while Stellar not so much

Toshi becomes Coinbase Wallet

The announcement of the transition for users, with no risk to their wallet. A backup of the passphrase is recommended

In Italy, a blockchain sandbox for the insurance sector

The Italian association of insurance companies is experimenting with a solution based on DLT to manage the resolution of disputes

Cryptocurrency guide part 2: Bitcoin value

The crypto special written by the Bcademy of Pordenone to better understand the blockchain world continues

CBOE, “The entire crypto market is a fifth of Apple”

Chris Concannon, President and COO of the exchange talks about their project of a bitcoin ETF

An experimental Bitshares browser plugin has been released

Developer Fabian Schuh has released the code for an experimental Google Chrome plugin

Bitmain mining giant accused of manipulating BCH prices

The mining giant, increasingly close to their billion-dollar IPO, owns BCHs in large quantities. And there are those who suspect that they can use them to influence prices

Wormhole project allows ICOs on Bitcoin Cash CEO Roger Ver announces a new feature that allows the issuance of tokens on the BCH blockchain. But the market reacts badly

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