
SEC - search results

Here’s Neufund, the “Nasdaq of cryptos”

For the first time, the capital of a dozen international startups will be transformed into equity tokens, by means of completely legal fundraising on the blockchain. Here are the names of the first six

In Rome bitcoin is accepted for a historical building

11 rooms, 15 bathrooms and three kitchens, in the heart of the Eternal City. The cost is $42 million, can be paid also with BTC

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Petro using NEM blockchain risks failing

Venezuela is unable to extract the oil it needs to back the state's cryptocurrency. So the project based on NEM's blockchain is in danger of failing

Zap Oracles Ethereum and Puff Daddy collaborate on a project

A platform for registration, protection and exchange of personal data based on blockchain technology announced a collaboration with the famous American rapper

Lights, camera, action! A crypto movie

In New York, a thriller about the world of cryptocurrencies with Alexis Bledel, Kurt Russell and other stars is coming out in 2019

Daily crypto trading: Bears are still here, cryptos try the rise

The small rise experienced yesterday morning was rejected by the bear, and prices return to Saturday evening levels

Bitcoin Core software, the new version is ready

Version 0.16 of the software for the management of a Bitcoin full node is finally available: it does not include any important news, only fixes some bugs and updates the translations

Mastercard blockchain for Credit card transactions

The credit card giant has filed a patent for the use of blockchain technology for transactions

Bannon: “Bitcoin and crypto are revolutionary”

Digital currencies helped the resistance against the establishment, according to Trump's leading strategist

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