
coinmarketcap - search results

US crypto exchange Coinbase winks at Altcoins

This morning and over the weekend the sentiment was overall positive, driven by the news of the likely listing of some crypto on the US exchange

PAI Project, the avatar with artificial intelligence

The idea is that anyone can be replaced by software to perform certain daily tasks.

Discovering Cardano platform

A brief guide to the project that proposes itself as a third generation blockchain after those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. With some notes on the crypto

Friday 13th does not stop crypto sector

An uphill market, apart from the three big ones: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple. Bitcoin Gold skyrockets with +10% and Dash with +7%.

Binance Vs Buterin: the war of the blockchain world

The battle between the great exchange continues and the genius of ETH

The decentralized prediction market of Augur is live

The decentralized prediction market is finally working as a leader in the sector

Binance profits, dramatic results in the first half of 2018

CEO Changpeng Zhao announces dramatic results in the first half of 2018 with profits of three hundred million dollars and about ten million active users

The Fcoin exchange clogs the Ethereum blockchain

Those who want to quote their tokens are required to make token airdrops. With the result of causing a boom in transaction costs in the ETH network

Crypto trading volume: Bitcoin holds strong

This morning, Cardano (ADA) Neo (NEO) and Nem (XEM) stand out with increases between 4% and 6%. Icon (ICX) and Steem (STEEM) are having a hard time. Market cap for the sector is at a total of 250 billion

Cryptocurrency Tax Issues. Guideline for Tax on Digital Funds

Cryptocurrencies are on the rise. The Bitcoin Dollar Forex is sky high and the blockchain technology has the potential to knock banks out of the game

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