
coinbase - search results

For SEC opinion of citizens matters: “We want ETF on bitcoin”

The US Supervisory Authority is asking investors for an opinion before authorizing the clone indexes proposed by the CBOE on the queen of all crypto. And everyone says yes

The first crypto ETF from The Netherlands

The number one ETP trading platform in Europe based in Amsterdam launches a clone with digital coins as below.

Facebook now has a “blockchain engineer”

Evan Cheng, former Apple, expert on "scalability", appointed technical director of the Palo Alto giant for block technology

A decentralized mining pool is coming

Perhaps a definitive solution to the risk of a 51% attack on Bitcoin

Revolut app expands its operations in the United States

The popular application for the purchase of cryptocurrencies expands its operations in the rest of the world by challenging the traditional banking system

An Amazon crypto will be the end of the world

The FutureSin newspaper launches a challenge: the next battlefield between Bezos and Zuckerberg will be the blockchain. Followed by the tokenisation of the economy

Sentinel Protocol declares war to hackers

From the Uppsala Foundation of Singapore a concrete response against web criminals

Who are the cryptotycoons?

Statista and Forbes provide a ranking of the rich in the world of virtual currencies, with some surprises

Trade cryptocurrency: Bitcoin recovers dominance

The market continues sideways after the lows of last weekend. The crypto queen takes advantage of this and returns to 43% of the market cap. Green signs for Ethereum Classic, Icon, Stellar and Eos.

Crypto Advertising, Facebook removes the ban

The ads ban was removed from the web giant. A domino effect on other social networks is probable, also because the business is worth it

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